Sweden's only museum in an underground defense facility from the Second World War
The museum shop

The museum shop at Beredskapsmuseet - The Military readiness museum is well stocked with unique products that can only be purchased at the museum.
The book "Kanonerna på Djuramåsa" tells the history of Batteri Helsingborg, Sweden's only historically preserved facility from the Second World War, also the foundation of the Preparedness Museum.
A Swedish Tiger - products are for sale in the store. Pins, posters, mugs etc. When you buy En Svensk Tiger, a text about the history of the image is included, which is briefly as follows.
The year was 1941. World War II was raging in Europe. Sweden had declared itself neutral at the outbreak of war in 1939 and did everything in the nation's power to keep the country out of war. The State Information Board, SIS, needed a really good image to remind the population of the importance of keeping quiet about the Swedish defence. Cartoonist, artist and journalist Bertil Almqvist offered SIS his picture "A Swedish Tiger". Everyone was overjoyed. The image was used as a rallying symbol in the upcoming Vigilance Campaign, which ran for three weeks, November - December 1941. Ever since then, the image has been Sweden's most famous image. Once you've seen the picture, you'll never forget it. The meaning of the picture is only: "Please talk - but NOT about the defense!"
The Preparedness Museum received the copyright as a gift from Bertil Almqvist's daughters Åsa and Christina to protect the image and its history from distortion. Today, the image is partly protected by copyright but also as a trademark, registered by the Preparedness Museum. The Preparedness Museum ensures that the image's history is preserved and that its appearance and meaning do not change.
If you want to buy products from the Preparedness Museum's store but do not have the opportunity to come to the museum, it is possible to buy products viathe online store.